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Fes realitat les teves il·lusions

Barleigh Ellis és una distingida agència immobiliària boutique que serveix les regions dinàmiques de Barcelona, Girona i Garraf. El nostre dedicat equip està format per professionals amb una àmplia experiència i llicències. Tenim una immensa satisfacció en oferir serveis personalitzats que guien els nostres clients a descobrir les seves propietats de somni en venda o lloguer a les àrees de Barcelona i Girona. Deixa'ns ajudar-te i cobrir totes les necessitats que sorgeixen del procés de compra i venda, sempre de manera personalitzada.

Immobles de Lloguer

Reservar una Valoració

Estàs buscant vendre la teva propietat? Sol·liciteu una valoració sense compromís amb nosaltres.

Descobrir Més

We recently moved into a rental property. While there were some issues initially with the property, the team at Barleigh Ellis, jumped into action and made sure all our concerns were addressed asap. In addition to the great support provided with making sure the property met our expectations, we received support with getting our utilities set up and they even went as far to help me get a Spanish bank account.


The support we got from Ronei at Barleigh Ellis for the purchase of our house exceeded all expectations. He made sure we were informed every step of the way throughout the process and ensured the transaction ran smoothly. He offered excellent communication, organisation and care which didn’t stop after the deal . As international buyers we were so grateful for Ronei’s continued help and support : everything from recommendations of excellent service providers to a ton of helpful advice . We’ve already recommend Barleigh Ellis to several friends .

Liya Zlotnik

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